

Hi, I’m Mimi!

I was rescued from a shelter after being hit by a car.   I had a pelvic fracture and other lacerations.     Even with my injuries, I was happily following my Foster Mommy around!

The Rescue folks planned a flight from Virginia to Kentucky with the amazing Pilot N Paws organization.  So, now I am in my foster home in Kentucky where I have been recovering well (check out my videos to see me running around!).    Once my pain and fear subsided, my very gentle loving, calm, happy, friendly personality has come out! I just want to be a lap dog. I stretch out at Foster Mom’s feet gently snoring beside my two foster sisters.  I love to gently play rolling wrestle and mouth (ever so carefully) my human’s fingers or my teddy bear.  I also enjoy playing with my “Knotty Bear”!  I love any type of treat shared from a loving hand. I have perfect house manners, having recovered from my pelvic injuries. I sit quietly, not begging, while the family eats. I am a wonderful girl. I like the company of other dogs.

Now that I have gotten more active and my pain medications reduced, we have learned that I am deaf.  We just ordered a vibrating training collar for Foster Mom and I to work with.

Outside at my foster home with my friends Olive and Apple!