The weekend of 7/19-21 was very hectic with three separate transports for seven dogs and one dog going from the shelter to foster, as well as work on several other dogs that we are trying to find foster homes for.   Highlights from the transports are below.   Thank you to the many volunteers who helped the Rescue Pei!

We rescued Remmi, Hope, Faith, and Harper from a Louisiana backyard breeder at the end of June.   They were in horrible condition.  We got them immediately to a veterinarian in LA to begin care for their urgent issues, get them vaccinated and tested, on preventatives, and ready to travel.  They were well cared for by the veterinarian’s office and made a lot of progress.  Over the three weeks that they were there, foster homes were found and transport arrangements were made…both of these were quite challenging to say the least.

The transport finally came together for 7/19-7/20.  Mary helped to find a driver, Sara, from LA to GA; Bev and Michelle drove from VA to GA to meet Sara; they then drove to NC for a sleepover (dogs and people!) with Linda; Harper stayed with Linda for foster; Bev and Michelle drove back to VA where they met Christy, Hope’s Foster Mom; then met Brandon, Remmi’s Foster Dad; and Faith went home with Bev.  THANK YOU to everyone who helped these sweet, needy Shar-Pei!

Alfie is just coming into Rescue from a shelter.   We needed to get him to a past adopter in western Tennessee.  We don’t have many transport volunteers in Tennessee, so we asked for help from the wonderful Pilots N Paws.   Pilot Rusty from Pilots N Paws offered to help Alfie get to his new home on 7/19. A shelter volunteer kindly brought Alfie to the airport, where the little guy went on his flying adventure with Chris.  Foster Mom, Kelly, and her family met them at the airport and brought him to his new home where he is getting settled in…and is now known as Toast.

Thank you Rusty and Kelly and family!

Fran and Henry came into Rescue over a week ago, but their originally planned foster home changed their mind at the last minute and they had to go to boarding.   Our volunteer Christy helped to reroute these two and get them safely to boarding while we figured out another plan.  Once a foster home was arranged, we needed a plan for transporting them from boarding in southwest VA to northern VA.   CJ from Pilots N Paws, who has helped us with other Pei, volunteered for the flight.  Christy helped to get Henry and Fran from boarding to the airport where they met up with CJ.  Foster Mom Teresa met them at the airport.   They are getting settled in.

THANK YOU to CJ from Pilots N Paws, Christy, and Teresa for helping Henry and Fran to get to their foster home. Thank you Teresa and Sandra for fostering, and thank you to the donors who helped with their boarding expenses