Update 7/31:  We have found a foster home for Harper!  She will be transported there on 8/3 by a team of four caring Rescue volunteers.

Hi, my name is Harper.  I am looking for a foster home!  Please read my story and offer to foster if you can help me!  My temporary Foster Mommy says that I am very sweet and smart, and as you can see I am super cute.  I am great in my crate, rarely bark, ok on a leash, food motivated and housetrained.  I lived with many dogs in the past and was very good with the three that I recently traveled with, but I am fearful and will need time to adjust to any new canine siblings.  I have done well on leash with the two calm female Shar-Pei here at my temporary foster home.   I do need a special foster home.  You see, I am quite a determined escape artist; so I need a home with a secure, sturdy, six foot fence where my foster family is able to be very careful that I do not escape until I am settled and feel safe. A home without young kids would be best because I am crafty and will find a way to escape with children coming and going. A quieter home that will help me build my confidence would be best for me. You can see more pictures at https://sharpeirescueofva.org/_wp/project/harper-2/

I came into Rescue from a horrible backyard breeder situation in June, along with two other female Shar-Pei and one male Shar-Pei.  The Rescue had us cared for by a veterinarian in Louisiana to get us well enough to travel to our foster homes in North Carolina and Virginia.  My heartworm test (thankfully negative), vaccinations, and preventative medications were also completed. My coat is coming in soft and full from my medications and having good food.  I will need entropion surgery and spay surgery.

So, here I am in a temporary foster home, but it is not sustainable because Foster Mommy does not have a safe enough fence for my escaping ways.  If you can help me, please fill out a foster application at https://sharpeirescueofva.org/_wp/foster/