Delta, Foster Mom Kelly, and Pilots N Paws Pilot Alex
Adorable Delta, Apple’s miracle pup, said good-bye to her Foster Mom, Kelly, and her Shar-Pei Mom, Apple, on a beautiful Saturday, 3/16. She was off to start her new life in her furever home in Virginia Beach with her new family including Shar-Pei Rescue of Virginia alumni Wiz (one of Bella’s pups).
After a week of coordinator, Laura, trying different options to transport Delta from Kentucky to Virginia Beach, with one piece of the puzzle always missing, the transport came together on Saturday morning when volunteer pilots from Pilots N Paws, Alex and Jeff, with co-pilot Jorge, came to the rescue! Foster Mom, Kelly, sprung into action with help from volunteer Teresa, to get little Delta ready, get a crate, and get her to the airport. Pilot Alex flew into the Glasgow, Kentucky, airport to pickup Delta (and help Delta with this adorable selfie!) and flew her to Martinsville, Virginia. Pilot Jeff, with co-pilot Jorge, flew Delta from Martinsville to Chesapeake, Virginia where she was picked up by her new family!
Awesome team effort! Thank you to all. Hap-Pei life little Delta!